Cocrystals - the Champions League of Solid-State Pharma Formulation
When: 15 April 2021, 4 - 5 pm, Central European Time
One of the major challenges in pharmaceutical formulation is the low solubility of APIs. A very elegant, but non-trivial way to improve or even control the solubility and therefore bioavailability of an active compound is the formation of a cocrystal. Combined with non-volatile coformer molecules, the API forms a new crystalline single phase and thereby creates a new material that is different from simple polymorphs or physical mixtures of the API and conventional formulation ingredients. Thus cocrystals may also offer interesting opportunities to circumvent patent issues.
Nevertheless, up to now finding a suitable cocrystal usually requires expert knowledge and a vast variety of experiments.
What you will learn This webinar will convey the experience of SOLID-CHEM in this field. It will provide information about advantages, but also the complexity and difficulties of cocrystal screening.
Furthermore, we will present a new method to improve the conventional screening approach by a goal-oriented way of using ternary phase diagrams prior to and in combination with the actual screening procedure.
The speaker Carsten Schauerte is the cofounder and managing director of SOLID-CHEM GmbH and has over 20 years of experience in the field. He has gained expertise with solid-state problems and cross-linked analytics. His highly motivated and research-oriented team was recently awarded the German Innovation Medal.
Who should attend This webinar is addressed to everyone who would like to know more about cocrystal formation, its opportunities in the field of API solid-state formulation and an improved screening method leading (often) to success.
The presentation will be about 30 minutes long with a following Q&A session.
Speakers: Dr. Carsten Schauerte, CEO and founder of SOLID-CHEM GmbH Dr. Anna Mellor, Project Manager at SOLID-CHEM GmbH
Moderator Dr. Ralf Dümpelmann, CEO and founder of Inolytix