Upcoming Events
We are organizing public events like the International IGC Symposium (see below) and webinars.
We also offer online presentations of different analytical methods for your company so that it is easy for you and your colleagues to learn more about new analytical techniques.
Feel free to contact us for an inhouse presentation or webinar.
We also offer online presentations of different analytical methods for your company so that it is easy for you and your colleagues to learn more about new analytical techniques.
Feel free to contact us for an inhouse presentation or webinar.
Past Events
Webinar: Absolute Configurations of Complex Enantiomers by VCD on 9 September 2021
Very often, the absolute configuration of chiral centers of complex APIs, proteins or natural products is initially unknown and tricky to determine. Singly crystal X-ray crystallography is the method of choice, if single crystals are available and representative – but what, if not?
Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) is based on IR spectra of left and right circularly light. Measurements can be performed in liquid, dissolved, gaseous or any solid form. Key is not only the measurement, but also the computed spectra of specific Absolute Configurations and the data comparisons. For molecules with multiple chiral centers, VCD is an absolute and independent technique that directly probes the chirality at multiple chiral centers in a single measurement. There are various stages at which VCD is best performed. One is for example in the beginning of a study of complex enantiomers to establish the right configurations and the respective references for chiral HPLC.
You can watch the recording on Youtube
Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) is based on IR spectra of left and right circularly light. Measurements can be performed in liquid, dissolved, gaseous or any solid form. Key is not only the measurement, but also the computed spectra of specific Absolute Configurations and the data comparisons. For molecules with multiple chiral centers, VCD is an absolute and independent technique that directly probes the chirality at multiple chiral centers in a single measurement. There are various stages at which VCD is best performed. One is for example in the beginning of a study of complex enantiomers to establish the right configurations and the respective references for chiral HPLC.
You can watch the recording on Youtube
10th International IGC Symposium on 15 June 2021
The Art of Molecular Surface Sensing by Inverse Gas Chromatography
The 10th IGC symposium focuses on effective and valuable surface characterization of powders, fibers and plates based on the dynamic adsorption of up to 20 different gas probes, also known as Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC).
The Art of Molecular Surface Sensing by Invers Gase Chromatography was chosen as this year’s caption to highlight the more subtle aspects of IGC, especially the use of different concentrations ranging from ideal single probe molecule adsorption to full surface coverage and adsorption isotherms.
Register now!
The 10th IGC symposium focuses on effective and valuable surface characterization of powders, fibers and plates based on the dynamic adsorption of up to 20 different gas probes, also known as Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC).
The Art of Molecular Surface Sensing by Invers Gase Chromatography was chosen as this year’s caption to highlight the more subtle aspects of IGC, especially the use of different concentrations ranging from ideal single probe molecule adsorption to full surface coverage and adsorption isotherms.
Register now!
Webinar: Cocrystals - the Champions League of
Solid-State Pharma Formulation
On 16 April 2021 we organized a webinar together with our partner Solidchem.
Dr. Carsten Schauerte, CEO, provided information about advantages of crystallization, but also the complexity and difficulties of cocrystal screening.
He presented a new method to improve the conventional screening approach by a goal-oriented way of using ternary phase diagrams prior to and in combination with the actual screening procedure.
Dr. Carsten Schauerte, CEO, provided information about advantages of crystallization, but also the complexity and difficulties of cocrystal screening.
He presented a new method to improve the conventional screening approach by a goal-oriented way of using ternary phase diagrams prior to and in combination with the actual screening procedure.
Webinar IGC explained:
Tipps & Tricks for IGC: From Sample Preparation to Successful Measurements
On the 10th February we held the second webinar about IGC with more than 60 registrations from Europe but also from India, China, Egypt and Canada which was a great surprise for us.
In this webinar we presented and explained step-by-step the sample preparation, choosing, how to fill column properly and how to run first experiments with alkanes and polar probes.
You can watch the recording on our Youtube-Channel: Watch video now
In this webinar we presented and explained step-by-step the sample preparation, choosing, how to fill column properly and how to run first experiments with alkanes and polar probes.
You can watch the recording on our Youtube-Channel: Watch video now
The 10th IGC Symposium was online on 16 June 2020
In the actual situation of Stay at Home we decided to turn the planned IGC symposium into an online and FREE event on 16 June 2020. The theme of this symposium was 'Review - Validate - Future':
Validation: for the first time 16 different labs from industry and academia participated in an IGC round-robin test. Results were presented and discussed – to check and validate IGC procedures.
Review: the commercial use of IGC is around 20 years old, e.g. Adscientis is celebrating its 20th anniversary in year 2020! What experiences have been made and which advances were made?
Future: During the last years new ways to use IGC and new applications have been explored. Some examples will be presented and new concepts were discussed.
Validation: for the first time 16 different labs from industry and academia participated in an IGC round-robin test. Results were presented and discussed – to check and validate IGC procedures.
Review: the commercial use of IGC is around 20 years old, e.g. Adscientis is celebrating its 20th anniversary in year 2020! What experiences have been made and which advances were made?
Future: During the last years new ways to use IGC and new applications have been explored. Some examples will be presented and new concepts were discussed.
Discover the possibilities of Micro and Nanotomography on 7th November 2019
3D-Imaging for Industry - Symposium about Micro- and Nanotomography at PSI
You can learn more about the possibilities of Micro and Nano Tomography and 3D imaging at this symposium. It will be held at the PSI in Villigen, where you will visit the SLS and see different analytical methods for 3D analysis and 3D imaging.
Learn more
You can learn more about the possibilities of Micro and Nano Tomography and 3D imaging at this symposium. It will be held at the PSI in Villigen, where you will visit the SLS and see different analytical methods for 3D analysis and 3D imaging.
Learn more
The KLIB Members Forum on 18th September in Frankfurt.
At the members forum of the KLIB Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium Ionen Batterien, Dr. Ralf Dümpelmann will present:
'Innovative analytical methods for battery research and development'
on 18th September 2019 in Frankfurt.
'Innovative analytical methods for battery research and development'
on 18th September 2019 in Frankfurt.
The 8th International IGC Symposium on 4th June 2019 in Cologne
Effectiveness is Key in Industry
This year's symposium focused on effective and valuable surface characterization of powders and fibres and other materials based on the dynamic adsorption of up to 20 different gas probes, also known as Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC).
Novel practices, good experiences and the exchange of all participants were the motivation of this symposium since its beginning. The symposium is the best place for
participants to understand the potential of surface characterization by molecular probes, the pitfalls of different practices and the practical use for the different applications in industry.
Good practices as well as critical aspects and supporting techniques were outlined. And structured discussions intensified the exchange of experiences – like in the successful 2018 symposium.
This year's symposium focused on effective and valuable surface characterization of powders and fibres and other materials based on the dynamic adsorption of up to 20 different gas probes, also known as Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC).
Novel practices, good experiences and the exchange of all participants were the motivation of this symposium since its beginning. The symposium is the best place for
participants to understand the potential of surface characterization by molecular probes, the pitfalls of different practices and the practical use for the different applications in industry.
Good practices as well as critical aspects and supporting techniques were outlined. And structured discussions intensified the exchange of experiences – like in the successful 2018 symposium.
3rd European Chemistry Partnering on 26 February 2019, Frankfurt, Germany
Ralf Duempelmann pitched for the second time at the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering Event. Last year it was a great opportunity to present our analytical services and to connect with many different experts from the chemical industry.
This year ECP had 850 participants with a comparable industrial quota. The well organized 1:1 meetings were a great opportunity to connect with new potential customers and partners.
This year ECP had 850 participants with a comparable industrial quota. The well organized 1:1 meetings were a great opportunity to connect with new potential customers and partners.
XIX Workshop at Porotec on 13 - 14 November 2018
At the Porotec Workshop Ralf Duempelmann presented for the third time results and best practices of IGC measurements and highlighted the new automated instrument for Inverse Gas Chromatography.
The 7th International IGC Symposium on 19th June 2018 in Cologne
This symposium showcased experts who all use dynamic sorption methods also known as inverse gas and liquid chromatography (IGC, ILC). In IGC the adsorption behavior of 15-25 different probe compounds is used like AFM tips to characterise the properties.
The program presented the latest, most up-to-date knowledge and experience on surface characterisation of powders and fibres. Good practices as well as critical aspects and supporting techniques were outlined (see abstracts). Structured discussions intensified the exchange of experiences – like in the successful 2017 symposium.
The one-day program was compact and ideally suited for industry representatives from R&D, product development and analytical departments as well as researchers from institutes.
Finde out more details about the program, speakers and registration:
The program presented the latest, most up-to-date knowledge and experience on surface characterisation of powders and fibres. Good practices as well as critical aspects and supporting techniques were outlined (see abstracts). Structured discussions intensified the exchange of experiences – like in the successful 2017 symposium.
The one-day program was compact and ideally suited for industry representatives from R&D, product development and analytical departments as well as researchers from institutes.
Finde out more details about the program, speakers and registration:
European Chemistry Partnering Event on 23 February 2018
We participated and pitched at the European Chemistry Partnering Event on 23 February 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.
It was a great event with more than 300 participants. A great opportunity to network and make contacts in the chemistry industry.
It was a great event with more than 300 participants. A great opportunity to network and make contacts in the chemistry industry.
6th International IGC Symposium in Cologne 2017
On 20 June 2017 eight different speakers from Germany, France, Switzerland, Portugal and Poland presented their best practices on diverse aspects of inverse gas (IGC) and inverse liquid chromatography (ILC). You find more details about the speakers and abstracts on the special website of the symposium.
This year we also offered an overview about IGC in a workshop before the symposium that was well received. |
The historic 50th Anniversary HSP Conference 5-7 April 2017, York, UK
At the special conference for the 50th anniversary of the Hansen Solubility parameters, Dr. Ralf Duempelmann presented: "Recent advances in Inverse Gas Chromatography - IGC - measurements of HSP" (instead of Eric Brendle who is indicated in the presentation).
Quantitative 3D-Characterizations of Porous and Heterogenous Materials by X-ray Microtomography and Advanced Image Processing - Presentation at Porotec Workshop 2016
On the 8th November 2016 Dr. Ralf Dümpelmann presented for the second time at the bi-annual Porotec Workshop in Bad Soden. It was already the 18th workshop of Porotec under the topic: "From nanoparticel to monolith".
Besides of the presentation about x-ray microtomography and advanced quantitativ image processing the new poster about Microtomography was presented, too.
Besides of the presentation about x-ray microtomography and advanced quantitativ image processing the new poster about Microtomography was presented, too.
5th International IGC Symposium in Munich
The 5th IGC Symposium took place on the 14 June 2016 in Munich.
You find more about the topics and the speakers on our special website for the symposium: http://inverse-chromatography.com
You find more about the topics and the speakers on our special website for the symposium: http://inverse-chromatography.com
4th International IGC Symposium in Basel
The 4th International IGC Symposium took place in Basel on 9 June 2015.
Leading experts from industry and academia provided new insights into the characterization and interaction potential of solids and also on liquids. Participants from 7 different countries benefitted from their experience and expertise
See the whole program of the IGC Symposium
Leading experts from industry and academia provided new insights into the characterization and interaction potential of solids and also on liquids. Participants from 7 different countries benefitted from their experience and expertise
See the whole program of the IGC Symposium
Inolytix - Surface Network Event in Frankfurt-Höchst 27 November 2014
At the Technologiepark Hoechst we presented for former colleagues and partners the story of Inolytix and provided brief insights into surface analytical tools as ToF-SIMS, XPS and iGC together with our partner Nanoanalytics. The feedback was great and we are looking forward to future inhouse events for further methods of our portfolio.
Flyer with all details
Flyer with all details
Performance Characterization of Road-Building Stones by Inverse Gas and Liquid
Chromatography - Presentation at Porotec Event 11 November 2014
At 17th event of Porotec about 'Modification of Porous Solids' our CEO Ralf Dümpelmann presented Inverse Gas Chromatography and Inverse Liquid Chromatography with practical application for road building stones.
See the full program here: Program Porotec
See the full program here: Program Porotec
BioTech 2014: Interdisciplinary conference on bioprocess analytics and sensor technology
The 2014 conference was held on 4 & 5 September 2014 at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil, Switzerland. The meeting provided an interdisciplinary discussion forum for experts in the field of (bio)process analytics and sensor technology.
Together with our new partner 3T analytik we presented QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance there.
Together with our new partner 3T analytik we presented QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance there.